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Hope - again

I read, I paint, I wander through the forest and meadows. I love my animal and human friends.

I used to write but now I mostly paint – because that’s my heart-song just now. Mostly I paint flowers in colours that make me joyful.

But when I saw a piece in the news about Syrian refugees in flight from their country, a child with a brightly coloured umbrella stood out from the other monotone colours that echoed their despair. The image of her determination to keep hold of her precious umbrella and her clear spirit of hope stopped my heart.

I painted, very simply, my impression. You can buy a print of it at – I don’t usually do prints but wanted anyone to be able to have it if they’d like it.

And then just now I read the wonderful Mary Oliver poem The Summer Day

and the last lines:

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” touched my soul again.

For we are free – and so blessed in our freedom. Free to help others as much as we can. Welcome refugees. To be good Samaritans.

Who are we not to? Every one of them is an individual – a real person with feelings.

Realise it could have happened to us. Still could, of course.

We are so so so lucky to live in a continent at peace. Let’s appreciate it . Give thanks for it. Every day.

Our wild and precious lives.

With love and light, Jenny

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